Thursday, February 26, 2009

Semi Finals Asian Open Slopestyle

Today was the Asian Open Slopestyle Semi Finals at Alts Bandai. After a horrific food poisoning filled fun 12 hour, 5 different trains excursion Bugs and I found ourselves here on Sunday. Exhausted we slept the whole day. The next day was registration and I spent the best part of the day either sleeping or in 'mens room'. There was a bit of practice and being outdoors gave me a bit of fresh air and practice went fine. That night the sound of my guts swirling about woke me up. Not good. The next day was Pre-qualifiers and qualifiers. I just made it through both which brings us the semi finals today.

I landed a run I was stoked on with 2 9s but it wasn't quite enough and I came 28th. 16 went through to the finals. Chas Guldemond is in first with Cab 9 into Back 12. The 12 was insane.

Next on the agenda is an Asahi and Onsen. Bugs is probably making up a little web video of the Nippon Open but in the meantime go to and check out the latest blog.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Hokkaido BAIBAI.

Some snow and snowboarder.
Getting some turns.
Went to town with the self shooting. Shaka.
Ben Ryan.

Bugs and me enjoying being in the hood.

Hanato has some mean drop-in demos. Barefeet too.

Koutarou and his family. His daughter has the same birthday as me. Whoa!

Snow wall just by our place. Bugs is 6 foot. Double overhead dUde.
Counting out those 1 yen coins.
Schrapnel for icecream.
Some photos from Hokkaido taken tonight and last night.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Winnie the food.

Some beer in Japan is fake (beer flavoured beverage). Strong Seven is one of them. That is real bear in front of it however.
Bear Meat.

Have just been drinking beer and eating bear. Some Venison came out too. My first time eating bear meat. It is surprisingly delicious! It has been snowing all day. So much snow! Tomorrow should be incredible. Can't wait! 

Also a  30 second Youtube link worth watching here.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


In the last week or so I have been pumped on pancakes. 
I like blogging about what I am pumped on. 

Read on if you like pancakes.

1. Essentials - also required is butter (Not oil!) and topping
2. Into the mix goes the milk.
3. Egg too.
4. Whip it.
5. Butter the outside of the pan (Key!)
6. In the pan.
7. Bubbles means flip.
8. Over she goes.
9. Cup of Tea too. Jam and Maple Syrup are top spreads.
10. Depth is good.
11. In the gob.

Rob says banana.
Handling his banana.
Voila. Mix that into the mixture and banana pancakes.

Now go and make some.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Photos from Hokkaido.

Blogger has finally let me upload some photos.
Mickey was in Sapporo for the snow festival.

A cube car in a blizzard.

Mount Youtei with a halo.

Zoom in on this monkey.

Kutchan Ski Jump. Ferret and Jeremy.

Don't let a blizzard stop you from scootering around Sapporo.

Bridge drop.


Alpen Hotel Fireplace. Resting from the blizzard and waist deep snow.
Frozen up from riding the blizzard. So much fun! Fluffy and deep.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hokkaido is Saweet.

We have been riding and filming as much as we can lately. Some long days - one started at 4.50am and we got home 12.30am and some mellow days. All of them have been pretty fun. Bugs is here filming with his new dope camera setup. His video editing is looking daaaaammn good too. 

Here is a list of some of the things I have seen in the last few days.

1. Homeless looking guy threw a cheeseburger wrapper at us at McDonalds. He was rocking a Rossignol fluoro cap with fluffy ears and the peak turned up
2. Saw roadworkers - they are crazy. 5 people smoking cigarettes while one guy starts digging some snow out of a hole.
3. Saw Mark and Ferret scrapping while wasted yelling 'SUMIMASEN SUPERMAN' at each other. Jeremy jumped out of bed slammed Mark down then was back asleep all within 5 seconds.
4. 4 foot deep snow.
5. A lady towing her shopping around in a snowsled. is where it is at with blogs right now. Check it out.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Bugs Blogging.

Bugs has been blogging about Japan. Here is what he has to say.