Monday, May 11, 2009


A whole lot has happened since the sushi blog. A lot of lagging in the blog department
unfortunately but here are some photos from my time in the land that Maui caught.
My home mountain that has never (in my lifetime) had snow.
A fish. We caught a bigger one than this too..actually.
Dad and his OG Lo.wer hat.
A big boat and a rod.
A husky puppy.
Husky puppy drinking.
Ruby and Uncle Dutts.
A photo of Jake taking a photo of the fixies we rode to get a 10 buck curry.
The Y-tookery straight in all its early morning glory.
Dutty caught this kawhai and we smoked it for lunch.
The beautiful South Island.
Stef put us up and lead us to Fish and Chips in Kaikoura. A good shop this one. A shame about the spelling.
Lake Wakatipu.
A good looking May.
Newly married Jordan and Sasha Rehrer have their first dance.
Yuki dog knows how to relax.