Sunday, December 12, 2010

Some edits from the New Zealand season. Better late than never.

Here are a few edits that got made from the New Zealand season.

1. This edit is from Snowpark in September. A few runs down the rail line.

2. This is from July at Snowpark.

3. This a Snodice session from up at The Remarkables in July. Roll the dice and see what trick you have to do.

4. This is a game of SHRED at Cardrona in September. The snow equivalent of SKATE but on a whole bunch of different features.

Not too many more days until the Northern Hemisphere season for me now. I will try to keep the blog updated.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Made You Look.

Just to celebrate (or reluctantly admit) not blogging for 4 months (or 1/3 of the year!) I thought I had better update this blog. I have been blogging on the blog but this page has been severely neglected.

A few links here to share with you.

Browner and My part in Made You Look by Reason Films from this 2010 season.
Also, Diaries Downunder Episodes are now going to be available as downloads..and they are all iPod/iPhone/iPad friendly so click HERE if you feel like giving your phone or iPod a treat.