Sunday, February 15, 2009


In the last week or so I have been pumped on pancakes. 
I like blogging about what I am pumped on. 

Read on if you like pancakes.

1. Essentials - also required is butter (Not oil!) and topping
2. Into the mix goes the milk.
3. Egg too.
4. Whip it.
5. Butter the outside of the pan (Key!)
6. In the pan.
7. Bubbles means flip.
8. Over she goes.
9. Cup of Tea too. Jam and Maple Syrup are top spreads.
10. Depth is good.
11. In the gob.

Rob says banana.
Handling his banana.
Voila. Mix that into the mixture and banana pancakes.

Now go and make some.

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